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<h1 class="title">Roll A Door</h1>
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="#">Roll A Door</a></h2>
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<p>These doors are best for industrial buildings, as they are high end, high durability products that can withstand extreme conditions. To get these installed, please reach out to us, so we may visit your site and provide expert advice. For now, here are the benefits of one of the best profiles under this category, the Foam filled Roller Shutter. </p>
<p >
Our Roll-A-Door series is a revolutionary introduction for industrial and commercial
applications, li features a number of significant benefits rendering higher standards of durability,
performance and most importantly, operational ease.
</p >
<p>All doors are custom made to suit individual openings. Our Roll-a-Door is fabricated using modern sophisticated technology using international standards and machinery. Pre-Painted Galvalume sheets are used for fabrication of the curtain with tamper resistant joints leading to a high level of security. These Galvalume sheets are bent on a 6-meter long special purpose press that makes multiple bends on one sheet giving greater strength to the curtain</p>
<p>The appearance of present day commercial and residential buildings often reflects the efficiency of their operations, therefore these shutters have optimum paint metal bond for low maintenance. They are compatible with all modern cladding material and for appearance, they are available in nine colour options and two variants</p>
<!--<b>Key Features:</b>
All doors are custom made to suit individual openings. Our Roll-a-Door is fabricated using modern
sophisticated technology using international standards and machinery.
<li> - Pre-painted Galvalume sheets are used for fabrication of the curtain with tamper resistant joints
leading to a high level of security</li>
<li> - These Galvalume sheets are bent on a 6-meter long special purpose press that makes multiple bends
on one sheet giving greater strength to the curtain</li>
<b>Tough Colour finish:</b>
<li> - The appearance of present day commercial and
residential buildings often reflects the efficiency
of their operations</li>
<li> - Optimum paint metal bond for low maintenance</li>
<li> - Compatibility with all modern cladding material</li>
<li> - Available in nine colour options</li>
<li> - Available in two variants</li>
<b>Easy Operation:</b>
<li> - Balance loading & withstands very high overload
forces without ill effect.</li>
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