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							<h1 class="title">Home automation</h1>
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			<li><a data-content="Overview" class="selected" href="#0">Overview</a></li>
			<li><a data-content="Security" href="#0">Security</a></li>
			<li><a data-content="Energy" href="#0">Energy</a></li>
			<li><a data-content="Comfort" href="#0">Comfort</a></li>
			<li><a data-content="Health" href="#0">Health</a></li>
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		<li data-content="Overview" class="selected">
		<h4> <center> Control your Home from anywhere, any time</center></h4>
			<p>Automation zone is the complete control and automation platform. You can control your home from anywhere, automate all devices, see what's going on when you are away, and get instant alerts in case of any security or safety issue.  </p>
			<p> You can remotely control and automate lighting, heating, air-conditioning, shades, home appliances, curtains, irrigation, home entertainment...almost anything in your home. You can also optimize your energy consumption, without sacrificing your comfort.</p>

			<p>Access cameras in your home or business remotely to see what triggered the alarm via live, real-time video. View clips of pre-alarm and post-alarm events video on your mobile phone and PC. You can also use night vision to see in the dark.</p>

		<li data-content="Security">
		<h4> <center> Improved Security</center></h4>
			Home automation brings you a new generation of home safety and security.
Always connected to the central alarm station and with advanced remote and automation possibilities, Home automation provides the smartest way to protect your home from burglary, fire, flood, gas and other unwanted events. With Home automation you can have full control over your home even when you are not there.</p>
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<img class="pull-left" src="images/home-automation-overview.png" style="float: left; margin-right: 50px;">
<h5>Monitored Carbon Monoxide (1)</h5>

Home automation can protect you from the colorless, flavourless gas. <br><br>
<h5>Monitored Smoke and Heat Detectors (2)</h5>

Monitored fire/heat detectors alert you and enable Home automation to notify the Fire Department anytime smoke or heat are detected
<br><br><h5>Monitored Burglary (3)</h5>

Monitored detectors alert you and enable Home automation to notify the Police Department anytime burglary is detected.<br><br>
<h5>Glass Break Detectors (4)</h5>

Monitored detectors alert and enable Home automation to notify the Police Department anytime windows are broken.<br><br>
<h5>Water/Flood Sensors (5)</h5>

Monitored flood detectors alert you and enable Home automation to notify the Fire Department anytime excess water is detected.

		<li data-content="Energy">
		<h5><center>SMART ENERGY MANAGEMENT</center></h5>

		<img src="images/energy.png" style="float:right">
			<p>Home automation allows you to see exactly where your energy goes, plus it gives you the power to stop wasting it.
<p>Our intelligent control technology enables you to monitor and reduce energy consumption when using smart home electronics and so you save money— all without sacrificing your comfort!</p>

<h5>Energy Monitoring</h5>
<p>Home automation allows you to see exactly how much electricity your home consumes per each device – right now, on your PC or smartphone.</p>
<p>It would surprise you how much waste consumption there is when some connected appliances are left turned on. By understanding how much electricity your home uses – or wastes – you can save energy and money. Research shows users save up to 20% in monthly energy expenses when they start tracking their waste energy consumption . But why bother when Home automation can - automatically do it for you.</p>
<h5>Smart Thermostat</h5>
The perfect thermostat should be invisible. There shouldn’t be any special device hanging on a wall. It should be adjusted easily to automatically maintain perfect ambient temperature while saving as much energy as possible.</p>
Multiroom. Adjusting the temperature in each room separately could be done by just playing with your smartphone. Home automation can adjust each valve separately, so you can close the radiator valves in your living room while keeping them open in your children’s room. Home automation can even check if your kids are not in their room - automatically!</p>
Remote control. Can you count how many times you came to your cold apartment wishing someone had heated the room for you? Home automation can do that. You can adjust your heating and cooling from everywhere in the world, using your smartphone.
Scheduler. Scheduling Home automation to automatically activate heating and cooling is extremely easy and intuitive. You can do it online through a web browser, using your mouse and keyboard. You can adjust different temperature presets (e.g. Comfort, Economy, Sleep…), and later activate these modes with a simple click of a button.

		<li data-content="Comfort">
			<h5><center>COMFORT FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY</center></h5>
			<img src="images/comfort.jpg" style="float:right">
			<p>With Home automation you can remotely control and automate lighting, heating, air-conditioning, shades, home appliances, curtains, irrigation, home entertainment… just about everything in your home. You can easily automate your home to improve comfort, usability and even save energy.</p>
<h5>Lighting Control</h5>
			<p>A hallway will illuminate automatically;</p>
            <p>motion sensors will turn lights on and off, as you walk.</p>
            <p>Turn the whole house off in one touch with a “Good Night” scene –
            some lights can turn completely off and some can dim to lower level.</p>
            <p>Program your lights to turn off automatically when the room is unoccupied for a certain amount of time.</p>
            <p>Set your lights to a maximum level of 80%; your eyes won’t notice the difference but your utility bill will!</p>
<h5>Climate Control</h5>
<p>Whether you are using a touch panel, PC or mobile phone, Zipato provides you with the easiest and most advanced way to control heating, cooling, and humidity for every room in your home.</p>

		<li data-content="Health">
			<h5><center>ALWAYS IN TOUCH WITH YOUR ELDER LOVED ONES</center></h5>
			<p>Zipato provides additional security to people who are at risk of injuries and accidents that happen at home, especially in the elderly care. It also gives family and friends a greater sense of freedom, knowing that they will be contacted immediately if an incident occurs, making life easier for both caregivers and their loved elders.</p>

		<li data-content="Safety">
		<p>Various sensors connected and activated through the Tgate communicates with each other sensor or with your smart phone for security and peace of mind. Protects 24X7 your family and home from burglars, smoke, gas etc. Even in your absence take care of your valuables and loved ones – parents, children.</p>
			<p>Trash Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio itaque a iure nostrum animi praesentium, numquam quidem, nemo, voluptatem, aspernatur incidunt. Fugiat aspernatur excepturi fugit aut, dicta reprehenderit temporibus, nobis harum consequuntur quo sed, illum.</p>

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												<h2>Home automation</h2>
												<p class="big">
													It has reduced unwanted physical fatigue and made the life more enjoyable. Smart phones, Tablets and computers have become common place in home and office. With these gadgets every where Automation zone has brought to you a whole range of Home Automation solutions integrated smoothly through its unique and innovative wireless network system to make your daily chores automated and address them from any where in the planet. 
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														Automation zone is set to change the way you live be it control of lights, fans, water heaters, Air conditioners or any other appliances, handling visitors, shedding the worries of gas leakages or intruders while away from home.
														 Now leaving the home unattended in so no longer a concern making the life more comfortable, secured and enjoyable. 
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														Automation zone wireless solutions do complicated tasks in an intelligent and hassle free manner. Design is so simple any one who has never used a computer can operate the entire system through a smart phone. Yes it is a child’s play. Automation zone automation is a bench mark. 
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