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<h5>Blinds Automation</h5>
<p align="justify">Technical blinds are the response to the need for protection from the sun, wellbeing and personalised lighting.
The special feature of technical blinds is the geometric form taken by the material used in place of normal canvas, once processed and assembled.
This type of blind is mainly used in offices or in residential environments with modern furnishing.</p>
<p align="justify"><b>
Can a technical blind be installed indoors and outdoors in a home or office?</b><br>
Technical blinds are designed both for indoor and outdoor applications.
On indoor blinds, the canvas and tensioner rod can be left free to slide without connections.
In the case of outdoor blinds, the tensioner rod can be retained by means of lateral steel cables, and the fabric must be resistant to sunlight, adverse weather conditions, freezing and salinity..</p>
<p></p><center><img src="images/bliend.jpg"></center><p></p>
<p align="justify"><b>
What is the difference between an automation with cable control and one with radio control?</b><br>
In a wired system, via cables, the control is connected to the tubular motor by means of electric cables that transmit the commands to the motor, and the control unit can be built into the motor or concealed in the vicinity.
On radio systems, the controls are transmitted via radio waves. There are no electric cables between the motor and control. The control is mobile and therefore the user can operate the blinds also from another room. Installation of this type of system is quicker and avoids the need for building work. </p>
<p></p><center> <img src="images/bliend2.jpg"></center><p></p>
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<h2>Home automation</h2>
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It has reduced unwanted physical fatigue and made the life more enjoyable. Smart phones, Tablets and computers have become common place in home and office. With these gadgets every where Automation zone has brought to you a whole range of Home Automation solutions integrated smoothly through its unique and innovative wireless network system to make your daily chores automated and address them from any where in the planet.
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Automation zone is set to change the way you live be it control of lights, fans, water heaters, Air conditioners or any other appliances, handling visitors, shedding the worries of gas leakages or intruders while away from home.
Now leaving the home unattended in so no longer a concern making the life more comfortable, secured and enjoyable.
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Automation zone wireless solutions do complicated tasks in an intelligent and hassle free manner. Design is so simple any one who has never used a computer can operate the entire system through a smart phone. Yes it is a child’s play. Automation zone automation is a bench mark.
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