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<h1 class="title">Traffic Blockers</h1>
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="#">Traffic Blockers</a></h2>
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<p >
Traffic blockers have found a new-found requirement in these times of heavy automotive traffic. With jams being created everywhere, they have come to use. These items have additional benefits, such as, possibility of integration with a Boom Barrier, the availability of a PCB Electronic Circuit to automatically switch off motor in case of fault
<p>. Hydraulic Drive Mechanisms with internal locking feature circuit controller for Auto Off in fully raised & lowered position with limit switches and manual Operation in case of power failure. With a Duty Cycle of 100%, they are available in 3/4/5/6 meters. They are also compatible with optional accessories like Remote Controller, Two-way traffic light or a pair of Photocell Safety Beams.
</p >
<b>Tyre Killer
<p>Tyre killers ensure security and in a way, nip the alarm at its bud by killing the possibility of transport. The teeth, which are what Tyre Killers are made up of, retract below ground level when a signal is received from the push button or integrated access control unit providing safe access for authorised vehicles. When the vehicle has passed, the tire killers teeth return to the active position, ensuring total protection from unauthorised vehicle intrusion. </p>
<p>At Automation Zone, Tyre Killers are available in 3/4/5/6 meters with an option to interlock with a Boom Barrier. It works on a Power Supply of 230V, 50Hz. It has an Oil filled, sealed composite gear drive unit with internal locking feature circuit controller for Auto Off in fully raised & lowered position with limit switches and manual operation in case of power failure. It also has a PCB Electronic Circuit to automatically switch off motor in case of fault. With an opening & closing time >2 sec and a Duty cycle of 100%, its dimensions are as below,</p>
<li> - Height of the Spike above Block: 120mm (minimum)</li>
<li> - Spike Dimension: 150mmX25mm (minimum)</li>
<li> - Spike to Spike distance: 100mm (maximum)</li>
<li> - Steel Structure to be capable to withstand 10 to 25 Ton Vehicle load.</li>
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