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            	  <h2><strong>Traffic Blockers</strong></h2>
                  <h4>Benefits of Traffic Blockers:</h4>
                    <li>Possibility to integrate with Boom Barrier</li>
                    <li>PCB Electronic Circuit to automatically switch off motor in case of fault.</li>
                    <li>Duty Cycle: 100%.</li>
                    <li>Hydraulic Drive Mechanisms with internal locking feature circuit controller for Auto Off in fully raised &amp; lowered position with limit switches and manual Operation in case of power failure.</li>
                    <li>Available in 3/4/5/6 meters</li>
                    <li>Compatible with optional accessories like Remote Controller, Two way traffic light or pair of Photocell Safety Beam.</li>
                <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p>


      <h2>The Traffic Blocker is a customised solution that must be installed by a professional..</h2>
      <p align="justify"><br>
The motors are suitable for virtually all types of shutter, traditional or integral, i.e. in the case of a shutter integrated with the window, for large openings and also very narrow openings.

A wide range of alternatives are available to create systems from simple, economic versions to more advanced home management versions.
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                <h5>Tyre Killer</h5>
                  <li>Available in 3/4/5/6 meters</li>
                  Interlocking with Boom Barrier,
                  Power Supply: 230V, 50Hz,
                  Drive Mechanisms of Spike Barrier consist of suitable size reversible motor, Oil fi lled and sealed composite gear drive unit with internal locking feature circuit controller for Auto Off in fully raised &amp; lowered position with limit switches and manual operation in case of power failure,
                  PCB Electronic Circuit to automatically switch off motor in case of fault,
                  Opening &amp; closing time &gt;2 sec,
                  Duty cycle 100%,
                  Height of the Spike above Block: 120mm (minimum)

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                <h5>Axle Breaker</h5>
                  <li>Available in 3/4/5/6 meters</li>
                  Interlocking with Boom Barrier,
                  Hydraulic Drive Mechanisms with internal locking feature circuit controller for Auto Off in raised &amp;       lowered position with limit switches and manual Operation in case of power failure,
                  PCB Electronic Circuit to automatically switch off motor in case of fault,
                  Blocking Height at 60 degree position: 450 mm minimum,
                  Spike to spike distance: 150mm (maximum),
                  Opening and Closing time &gt;2 sec,
                  Steel structure to be capable to withstand 25/50 Ton Vehicle load,
                  Duty Cycle: 100%.
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												<h2>Home automation</h2>
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													It has reduced unwanted physical fatigue and made the life more enjoyable. Smart phones, Tablets and computers have become common place in home and office. With these gadgets every where Automation zone has brought to you a whole range of Home Automation solutions integrated smoothly through its unique and innovative wireless network system to make your daily chores automated and address them from any where in the planet. 
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														Automation zone is set to change the way you live be it control of lights, fans, water heaters, Air conditioners or any other appliances, handling visitors, shedding the worries of gas leakages or intruders while away from home.
														 Now leaving the home unattended in so no longer a concern making the life more comfortable, secured and enjoyable. 
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														Automation zone wireless solutions do complicated tasks in an intelligent and hassle free manner. Design is so simple any one who has never used a computer can operate the entire system through a smart phone. Yes it is a child’s play. Automation zone automation is a bench mark. 
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												<a class="button button_right button_large button_theme button_js" href="#" ><span class="button_icon"><i class="icon-right-open-mini"></i></span><span class="button_label">Start now</span></a>
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											<div class="column_attr " ><h3 style="margin: 6px 0 0 0; color: #fff;">24 / 7 Support call:<i style="color: #fff;" class="icon-phone"></i> +91 0422 4273736</h3></div>
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