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<h1 class="title">RFID</h1>
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="#">RFID</a></h2>
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The solution provides an easy means for the handsfree, long-distance, unique vehicle identification to allow secure entry and exit to areas preventing unauthorized access and supports single or multiple entry/exit points.
The endurance of our motors is tested in the most arduous climatic conditions. Before it is installed in your home, each Somfy motor is inspected in the factory to bring you guaranteed long-term reliability. The motors and all Somfy equipments, are compliant with safety standards.Smart Parking’s RFID solutions enable you to manage permit parking easily. Permit holders are happier as more space becomes available through improved enforcement and fact-based planning. A flexible system for changing needs.
<b>Application Areas</b>
<li> - Residential Colony</li>
<li> - Societies</li>
<li> - Corporate Offices</li>
<li> - Factories</li>
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he RFID based Parking Solution is a customised solution that must be installed by a professional.We will help you make your choice and take care of the entire installation.
Peace of mind and quality are guaranteed!.
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