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Garage Doors
<p align="justify">Garage doors for residential use are commonly divided into up-and-over doors and sectional doors.
Thanks to the new control systems automating garage doors is easier and easier: installing the gear motor, which is already equipped with a control unit and the chain or belt transmission drivers, extremely silent, is sufficient in order to obtain a 'made-to-measure' solution for every kind of door.
An automated garage is ideal if you require great comfort and safety; you can exit the garage into the street and viceversa without having to get off your car; a sudden heavy rain, an act of vandalism: the automation allows you to put your car into your safe garage in a quick way.</p>
<p align="justify"><b>Does the garage door which needs to be automated open outward?</b>
It’s a projecting up-and-over door, it’s made of a single-block and moves outward, jutting out compared to its position when it’s closed.</p>
<p></p><center><img src="images/garage1.jpg"></center><p></p>
<p align="justify"><b>
Does the garage door which needs to be automated open completely inward?</b>
This is the case of a non-projecting up-and-over door and its movement does not make the door jut out.
This type of door is the ideal solution in presence of arc holes or if the garage leads into a pedestrian entrance or directly into the street. </p>
<p></p><center> <img src="images/garage2.jpg"></center><p></p>
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<h2>Home automation</h2>
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It has reduced unwanted physical fatigue and made the life more enjoyable. Smart phones, Tablets and computers have become common place in home and office. With these gadgets every where Automation zone has brought to you a whole range of Home Automation solutions integrated smoothly through its unique and innovative wireless network system to make your daily chores automated and address them from any where in the planet.
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Automation zone is set to change the way you live be it control of lights, fans, water heaters, Air conditioners or any other appliances, handling visitors, shedding the worries of gas leakages or intruders while away from home.
Now leaving the home unattended in so no longer a concern making the life more comfortable, secured and enjoyable.
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Automation zone wireless solutions do complicated tasks in an intelligent and hassle free manner. Design is so simple any one who has never used a computer can operate the entire system through a smart phone. Yes it is a child’s play. Automation zone automation is a bench mark.
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